Overlook : Heroes Unleashed: The Phoneix Ring - Jon Mollison


By: Jon Mollison, Thomas Plutarch

Hardcover | 22 November 2019

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Nothing is more dangerous than an invisible man.

Joe's spent his life being forgotten. Not even the IRS comes for his back taxes. He's a ghost, a perfectly average, perfectly forgettable man. It suits his purposes, though it's a lonely existence. He can live as he wants, plying his almost-invisibility for freelance jobs.

Then a pretty blonde finds him when no one else can, asking for his help solving a murder. He almost says no, despite his instincts to help a damsel in distress. But how did she find him? And who is she?

He takes the job to find out. But he bites off more than he can chew as he realizes a brutal secretive organization called The Phoenix Ring is behind the murder, and somehow they can predict his every move.

A new Heroes Unleashed series begins with Jon Mollison's Overlook, a fast-paced, action-packed superhero spy novel that will keep readers guessing until the end.

Can Joe defeat the shadowy Phoenix Ring? Or will his powers fail him when he needs them the most? Read Overlook today and find out!

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