Search results for tag: Fiona McIntosh

Australia’s Favourite Author 2015 – Places 20-11

January is the month of Australian Stories at Booktopia, and to celebrate we’re counting down Australia’s 50 Favourite Authors, as voted by you! Today’s collection of authors is amazing! Don’t forget, tomorrow we unveil Australia’s Favourite Author for 2015. Let the countdown begin! 20. Fiona McIntosh Fiona McIntosh is an internationally bestselling author of novel... Read more

by | January 22, 2015

BOOKTOBERFEST GUEST BLOG: Reading Fiction by Fiona McIntosh, author of Nightingale

I realised with shame that I’d not read any fiction for so long that I was losing touch with other people’s storytelling.  I was so immersed in my two novels per year, my research/travels, masterclasses, book tours, festivals and just as importantly, my family, that reading for the pure joy of entertainment had been ignored.  I do read towers of books for research and I love it, but it’s not th... Read more

by | October 30, 2014

Australian Romance Author Showcase with…Fiona McIntosh

As part of Australian Romance Month, Romance Specialist Haylee Nash will be interviewing one Australian Romance author per day. Much like a beauty pageant, each author will be using their charm, wit and grace (and the power of social media) to take home the Booktopia Romance Bestseller crown. Booktopia invites bestselling Fantasy and Adventure Romance author Fiona McIntosh to the stage. 1. Desc... Read more

by | July 13, 2013