Search results for tag: Bryce Courtenay

Australia’s Favourite Author 2015 – Places 20-11

January is the month of Australian Stories at Booktopia, and to celebrate we’re counting down Australia’s 50 Favourite Authors, as voted by you! Today’s collection of authors is amazing! Don’t forget, tomorrow we unveil Australia’s Favourite Author for 2015. Let the countdown begin! 20. Fiona McIntosh Fiona McIntosh is an internationally bestselling author of novel... Read more

by | January 22, 2015

NEWS: Bryce Courtenay’s The Silver Moon announcement

The Silver Moon: Reflections on Life, Death and Writing by Bryce Courtenay Each of us has a place to return to in our minds, a place of clarity and peace, a place to think, to create, to dream. For Bryce Courtenay it was a waterhole in Africa he used to escape to as a boy for solitude. One evening, while hiding there, he witnessed the tallest of the great beasts drinking from the waterhole in t... Read more

by | August 14, 2014

Australian Romance Author Showcase with…Fiona Palmer

As part of Australian Romance Month, Romance Specialist Haylee Nash will be interviewing one Australian Romance author per day. Much like a beauty pageant, each author will be using their charm, wit and grace (and the power of social media) to take home the Booktopia Romance Bestseller crown. Booktopia invites bestselling author of rural romance Fiona Palmer to the stage. 1. Describe the perfec... Read more

by | July 7, 2013

Australia’s Favourite Novelist: The Countdown Continues

What a journey it’s been. From the hundreds of nominations, to the tens of thousands of votes, and here we are at the last day of the countdown to Australia’s Favourite Novelist. For those who are coming to the party a little late, here’s the story so far:   So sit back and enjoy as the countdown towards Australia’s Favourite Novelist continues…. 10. Rachael Johns ... Read more

by | January 25, 2013

10 Australian books to read before you die – First Tuesday Book Club

The First Tuesday Bookclub on the ABC recently held a popular vote for the 10 Australian books to read before you die. We watched with bated breath as the list was released, and thought we’d share it with you it case you missed it. While there will be as much talk about the books not on the list as on it, it really is a great place to start with Australia novels. If there’s anything... Read more

by | December 5, 2012

Bryce Courtenay’s new – and final – novel, Jack of Diamonds

The new – and final – novel, Jack of Diamonds, by Australia’s favourite storyteller, Bryce Courtenay, is now available. Celebrating the golden age of jazz, Jack of Diamonds is a true Bryce Courtenay classic spanning three continents and starring the irrepressible, quick-witted and big-hearted Jack Spayd. Inspired by Bryce’s love of jazz and his own experiences working in the mines in Africa, Ja... Read more

by | November 13, 2012