Search results for tag: Colleen McCullough

An interview with the late great Colleen McCullough

One of Australia’s most popular authors, Colleen McCullough, has passed away aged 77. Her novel The Thorn Birds is still the highest selling Australian novel ever written. Her popularity remained immense for the duration of her career, only last week being voted one of Australia’s 50 Favourite Authors in our nationwide readers poll. In 2012 we were lucky enough to interview Colleen ... Read more

by | January 29, 2015

Australia’s Favourite Author 2015 – Places 50-41

January is the month of Australian Stories at Booktopia, and to celebrate we’re counting down Australia’s 50 Favourite Authors, as voted by you! Every day we’ll unveil 10 authors until, on Friday, we announce Australia’s Favourite Author for 2015! Let the countdown begin! 50. Trudi Canavan Trudi Canavan was born in Kew, Melbourne and grew up in Ferntree Gully, a suburb a... Read more

by | January 19, 2015

REVIEW: Bittersweet by Colleen McCullough (review by Haylee Nash)

Romance Specialist Haylee Nash has her first taste of Colleen McCullough in Bittersweet…and finds herself going back for more. I must confess something – prior to Bittersweet, I had never read a Colleen McCullough (I know, I know,  take away my romance specialist badge). So when the review copy for Bittersweet landed on my desk, I approached the book with an equal mix of excitement ... Read more

by | October 28, 2013

Countdown to Australia’s Favourite Novelist: 40-31 as voted by you

Welcome to day two of the unveiling of Australia’s Favourite Novelist, as voted by you. Here’s the story so far: 50. Peter Temple 49. Jay Kristoff 48. Nikki Gemmell 47. Charlotte Wood 46. Andy Griffiths 45. Di Morrissey 44. Christina Stead 43. Christos Tsiolkas 42. Rachael Treasure 41. Morris Gleitzman Don’t forget to pencil in January 25th as a big day on the calender as we c... Read more

by | January 22, 2013

Three Authors Offer Advice for Writers: Colleen McCullough, Susan Johnson and Eoin Colfer

I interview writers every week here on the Booktopia Blog. My Ten Terrifying Questions have been answered by over 250 published authors ranging from mega selling global stars like Jackie Collins and Lee Child to brilliant, relatively unknown debut authors such as Miles Franklin shortlisted Favel Parret and  Rebecca James. In each of these interviews I ask the following question: Q. What advice ... Read more

by | May 24, 2012

Colleen McCullough, author of The Prodigal Son, Life Without the Boring Bits, The Thorn Birds, and many more, answers Ten Terrifying Questions

The Booktopia Book Guru asks Colleen McCullough author of The Prodigal Son, Life Without the Boring Bits, The Thorn Birds, The Masters of Rome and many more Ten Terrifying Questions —————————– 1. To begin with why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled? I was born in Wellington, NSW, on June 1st of 1937, which makes me 75 next birthday. I was... Read more

by | March 15, 2012