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The Mind Strength Method : Four steps to curb anxiety, conquer worry and build resilience - Jodie Lowinger

The Mind Strength Method

Four steps to curb anxiety, conquer worry and build resilience

By: Jodie Lowinger

Paperback | 2 March 2021

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RRP $34.99



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What if you could turn anxiety into your superpower? A groundbreaking approach that has helped thousands by founder of The Anxiety Clinic.

What if you could turn anxiety into your superpower? Dr Jodie Lowinger - clinical psychologist, executive coach and founder of The Anxiety Clinic - is at the forefront of mental health practice and, in a world where approximately one in four people experience challenging anxiety, has directly helped thousands. Through her Mind Strength Methodology, and now in her first book, Dr Jodie offers a logical and practical toolkit using the best evidence-based techniques to:
  • overcome fear-driven thoughts and behaviours and turn them into empowered action
  • break free from being bossed around by worry and your inner critic
  • build a resilient, high-performance mindset.
Woven through with relatable case studies, simple diagrams and illustrations, The Mind Strength Method challenges the stories you've been telling yourself and helps you to move forward in your life with enhanced confidence, resilience, happiness and wellbeing. It is a go-to guide for anyone who feels they are caught in fight-or-flight mode and a must-read book in the midst of uncertainty.

About the Author

Dr Jodie Lowinger is a clinical psychologist, world-leading expert in anxiety, mindset and resilience, and CEO/founder of The Anxiety Clinic, where she has helped thousands of adults, children and adolescents with all levels of severity of anxiety, stress, mood and behavioural challenges. She received the University Medal for Psychology from UNSW, has completed post-graduate research in anxiety at the University of Sydney and has worked and trained at Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital and St Vincent's Hospital Anxiety Disorders Unit.

Dr Jodie is also a high-performance and mindset coach to global business leaders and elite athletes, where she helps them engage in mindset, performance and resilience strategies to succeed. Alongside her work with executives and organisations, Jodie is a go-to anxiety and resilience expert for school principals, teachers, parents, children and adolescents. She is on the board of several not-for-profit organisations including Gotcha4Life, boosting men's mental fitness and Streetwork, mentoring homeless teens to turn young lives around.
Industry Reviews
"'More than ever in these anxious, uncertain times, we all need strategies to help our minds cope and even thrive. Dr Jodie Lowinger practically sets out exercises for minds to gain strength and for the reader to feel empowered to face his/her anxiety. Dr Lowinger sets out in an easy to understand and quite a logical way the reasoning behind her ""mind strength method"". Beneficial to both adults and children, I will be recommending this book to my friends as a journal of empowerment. Well done and thank you Dr Lowinger.' Anthony Field (Blue Wiggle)

'Jodie has an extraordinary desire to help those struggling with anxiety. Her knowledge on the topic of anxiety is quite remarkable, so too her drive to make a difference to peoples' lives. The Mind Strength Method is hugely beneficial to anyone looking to get the best out of both themselves and those around them. At a time where the world is struggling with anxiety and depression, it is good to know that programs such as Jodie's truly make a difference.' Hugh Van Cuylenberg, The Resilience Project

'This book is such a practical, and useful resource for working through anxiety. Dr Jodie approaches anxiety in such a beautiful way, and her method has helped me so much ... I know this practical resource will help so many others work through anxiety. I can't wait to share it with the world!' Laura Henshaw, Co-Founder of Keep It Cleaner and author of A Girl's Guide to Kicking Goals

'The Mind Strength Method is a ""must read"" book for those suffering anxiety or anyone who deals with stress. Some simple and achievable tools for navigating a busy and unpredictable lifestyle which is most of us really! Combining the fundamentals of neuroscience, psychology and positive thinking, The Mind Strength Method is the ""Google maps"" for navigating anxiety, stress and a busy life. Really outstanding, Jodie.' Associate Professor Ralph Mobbs, one of Sydney's leading neurosurgeons and neuroscientists

'Kiss your old life and habits goodbye! Dr Jodie delivers multiple lightbulb moments as she shows readers the true strength we each possess for real mental change - both personally and professionally.' Robin Roberson, Managing Director of Claim Central North America

'Dr Jodie's The Mind Strength Method is a must! Her calm and constant nature is unique, as is her empathetic and encouraging take on building resilience and courage, and overcoming adversity. Her advice and techniques help tackle challenging situations in a constructive and uncomplicated manner. This mood-boosting book is packed with positive and practical ways to live the best life you can, create confidence, reduce stress, and take back control of your life.' Kerrie McCallum, Editor-in-Chief of delicious. and Editorial Director of Sunday Style (Sunday Telegraph and Sunday Herald Sun)

'Dr Jodie's step-by-step process to build resilience, optimise performance, and encourage a values-focused outlook comes at just the right moment. As the world grapples with the effects of the pandemic, more and more people will need anti-anxiety toolkits, and Dr Jodie's book can help anyone create their own ... Through filling out worksheets, ticking boxes, and creating actionable plans, every reader will be able to better understand the causes of anxiety and manage their responses to it. Everyone will find something useful in a book like this ... If you or your child wants to build resilience in the face of stress and anxiety, read this book. Now.' April Palmerlee, CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia

'Dr. Jodie Lowinger is absolutely passionate about helping us to manage our anxiety. Her intelligent, practical and positive approach to teaching the skills we all need at certain times of our lives to counter anxious tendencies is effective and invaluable. This is enhanced by her warmth, empathy and determination to make a difference. At this challenging time in society today Jodie Lowinger's book is a must read.' Lynne Malcolm, Producer of All in the Mind, ABC Radio National

'Jodie has personally helped friends of mine of all ages with their anxiety. She's the perfect person for this year and the tough years ahead.' Gus Worland, Triple M, CEO Gotcha4Life

'Dr Jodie is one of our most inspiring speakers and authors. Every single audience has loved her for her great insights, her empathy, her hands on tips and always inspiring words. With great passion, Jodie and her Mind Strength Method are helping corporate audiences around the world to build resilience and high performance and deal with anxiety and uncertainty and we are grateful for the consistent value that she brings.' Micha Schipper, CEO of Lecture, The Netherlands

'We live in a fretful age. Certainties are collapsing. Demands are multiplying. Anxiety is an epidemic. Luckily, Dr Lowinger has the measure of your amygdala. In this book she explains the ""flight, fight or freeze"" response that drives so much of our stress. But her real gift is her techniques for reframing those responses to return power and strength to our daily lives. Read it.' Hugh Riminton, Journalist

'Dr Jodie Lowinger's ability to distil down and simplify life's complexities into useful tools that can be applied every day in both personal and professional situations is incredible. I would highly recommend this in both a personal and professional context. Very empowering!' Brian Siemsen, Global CEO of Claim Central Consolidated, and ex-NRL football player

'Whether you need help in your personal life or in business or both, Jodie's Mind Strength methods are remarkable, and I highly recommend her.' Vince Frost, Designer

'An hour with Dr Jodie Lowinger is an hour you will never regret so to be able to access her incredible Mind Strength Method in her new book is fantastic. Now more than ever people of all ages and backgrounds need to learn how to build resilience, reduce and manage stress and find ways to deal with the many challenges that life keeps gifting us. Dr Jodie is the perfect balance of empathy, passion and incredible knowledge and her program is a tool that I firmly believe everyone can benefit from.' Natalie Moore, Senior Executive, Lendlease

'Anxiety is rampant in society and in these uncertain times there has never been a better time to have Dr Jodie's The Mind Strength Method at hand. Dr Jodie is a wealth of knowledge and her passion to help people live their best life is infectious. We certainly need more people like her out there.' Dr Lewis Ehrlich, Dentist to the FFA, Former Pro Soccer Player

'In a world that's changing so fast it's easy to lose your bearings, Jodie's approach provides a steadying compass to see you through modern life's ups and downs. She combines deep empathy with no-nonsense practicality, through a process that's life-affirming, refreshing, and that's been a revelation for us and our children. For insight, for building resilience, and for tools to change your life for the better, we can't recommend her approach highly enough.' David Peers, Director and Cinematographer (Happy Feet, Mad Max amongst others), Co-Founder of Big Serious Studios and Katrina Peers, Co-Founder of Big Serious Studios

'Dr Jodie Lowinger is one of the world's leading experts on how to manage anxiety and build a resilient mindset.' Kerwin Rae, Business Strategist and High Performance Specialist"

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