The Blood Sugar Solution - Mark Hyman

The Blood Sugar Solution

By: Mark Hyman

Hardcover | 28 February 2012 | Edition Number 1

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By 2025 there will be more than 4 million people in Britain with diabetes. Every day, 400 new cases are diagnosed. In The Blood Sugar Solution, Dr Mark Hyman reveals that the secret solution to losing weight and preventing diabetes - as well as heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer - is balanced insulin levels. The Blood Sugar Solution, Dr. Hyman gives us the tools to achieve this with his revolutionary six-week healthy-living programme and the seven keys to achieving wellness - nutrition, hormones, inflammation, digestion, detoxification, energy metabolism, and a calm mind. With advice on diet, exercise, supplements and medication, and options to personalise the plan for optimal results, The Blood Sugar Solution teaches readers how to maintain lifelong health. Groundbreaking and timely, The Blood Sugar Solution is the fastest way to lose weight, prevent disease, and feel better than ever.

About the Author

An internationally respected physician, researcher, educator, activist, and author Dr Mark Hyman has dedicated his life and career to ensuring optimal health for all. Dr Hyman is the pioneer and the world's leading practitioner of a ground-breaking and emerging approach to medicine that treats our system, not our symptoms. Dr. Hyman is the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center - the overarching goal is to bring about harmony of body, mind and soul while empowering us to take back our own health.
Industry Reviews
"Dr. Hyman is an expert's expert on healing."--Mehmet Oz, MD ""The Blood Sugar Solution "is spot on accurate. This is a blueprint for restoring the health of our nation!" "Christiane Northrup, MD, author of "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" and "The Wisdom of Menopause""" "In "The Blood Sugar Solution, " Mark Hyman maps a road to health that will benefit anyone. Read it for yourself, your family, your friends. Give this book to the people you love." "Daniel Goleman, author of "Emotional Intelligence""" "In his book "The Blood Sugar Solution", Dr. Mark Hyman combines the latest scientific findings and decades of experience to show how correcting physical imbalances - involving nutrition, inflammation, allergy, toxicity, metabolism and stress - can reverse prediabetes and prevent heart disease. "The Blood Sugar Solution" provides a radical new program to restore radiant health and well-being for millions of Americans struggling with chronic disease." "David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and author of "Ending the Food Fight""" "In his book "The Blood Sugar Solution," Dr. Mark Hyman combines the latest scientific findings and decades of experience to show how correcting physical imbalances - involving nutrition, inflammation, allergy, toxicity, metabolism and stress - can reverse prediabetes and prevent heart disease. "The Blood Sugar Solution" provides a radical new program to restore radiant health and well-being for millions of Americans struggling with chronic disease." "David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and author of "Ending the Food Fight""" "THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION is a highly informative but, thankfully, also a very accessible book for both professionals and the laypersons... He writes with passion and a sense of urgency - and rightly so. The obesity crisis keeps growing unabatedly worldwide and the time for "small steps" may have passed."--Seattle Post-Intelligencer "Hyman's book is mindful, comprehensive and impeccably organized...An avalanche of vital information and advice from an enthusiastic wellness expert."--Kirkus Reviews "Functional medicine pioneer Hyman... points to imbalances in seven body systems that cause life-altering chronic illness. Quizzes, shopping lists, recipes, and tips for overcoming obstacles will keep readers on track, while Hyman's memorable terminology, passion, and simplicity will keep them highly motivated."--Publishers Weekly "With our world facing multiple crises, including a dramatic rise in diabetes, The Blood Sugar Solution arrives not a minute too soon. Dr. Mark Hyman's insistence on identifying the root social causes of obesity and diabetes is a crucial step beyond many of our long-held assumptions and in the direction of real solutions. Our children deserve nothing less."--Arianna Huffington, president and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group "I have either reviewed or read hundreds of nutrition and health books over the past thirty years as a professional in the field. Many of these books have touched upon the topic of blood sugar and diabetes. It is Dr. Hyman's book The Blood Sugar Solution, however, that has struck me to be the perfect balance between helping the reader to understand the revolution that is occurring in the science of blood sugar and chronic disease with the 'news to use' for the reader to successfully apply this breakthrough information in their own lives years before it becomes common knowledge. The questionnaires in this book engage the reader in a way that connects their lives to health solutions in a very unique manner."--Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB, Founder, Institute for Functional Medicine "In his book The Blood Sugar Solution, Dr. Mark Hyman combines the latest scientific findings and decades of experience to show how correcting physical imbalances - involving nutrition, inflammation, allergy, toxicity, metabolism and stress - can reverse prediabetes and prevent heart disease. The Blood Sugar Solution provides a radical new program to restore radiant health and well-being for millions of Americans struggling with chronic disease."--David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, and author of Ending the Food Fight "Dr. Mark Hyman makes managing your health simpler than you ever thought possible. There's no time like the present to get started. Don't wait till tomorrow! Start today!"--Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life "Dr. Hyman has taken on the most important health issue not just in the United States but around most of the world-diabesity. And, as usual, he has performed a great service, this time by providing a blueprint for attacking diabesity for individuals struggling with its complications and for the larger community, where it is a major economic as well as major health problem."--Arthur Agatston, MD, author of The South Beach Diet "Dr. Mark Hyman offers life giving hope to a world plagued by diabetes. His approach to preventing and treating this terrible killer is comprehensive, evidence-based, and practical. Learn from him and you will surely lower your blood sugar-and most likely live longer and better."--James S. Gordon, MD, founder and director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine and author of Unstuck "In The Blood Sugar Solution, Mark Hyman maps a road to health that will benefit anyone. Read it for yourself, your family, your friends. Give this book to the people you love."--Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence "Are you desperate to feel better but don't know where to begin? Has your doctor prescribed a quick fix pill, but no solid game plan? This is your lucky day. Dr. Mark Hyman's revolutionary work has the power to radically transform and uplift your life. He is the shining, break-out voice of a new breed of functional medicine doctors who treat root causes rather than the symptoms. Let Mark be your guide and your teacher as you create a happy, healthy body filled with sustainable energy and balance. I can't say enough about this brilliant pioneer, and once you read his book, I know you will agree."--Kris Carr, New York Times bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Diet "First, the bad news: Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes will affect half of Americans in the next few years. Drugs are not very effective at preventing the complications of diabetes, including heart disease, blindness, impotence, amputations, and kidney damage. Now, the good news: diabetes is completely preventable and even reversible for most people--today--simply by changing diet and lifestyle. In The Blood Sugar Solution, Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how."--Dean Ornish, MD "The Blood Sugar Solution is spot on accurate. This is a blueprint for restoring the health of our nation!"--Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause "If you want to be empowered to change your life, lose weight, and get to the bottom of chronic health problems, The Blood Sugar Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman will take you all the way there. Dr. Hyman is the best kind of doctor -educator, coach, and motivator. He presents a radically new scientific approach more powerful than any drug or surgery. Read this book and solve your struggles with weight, diabetes, and other diseases forever."--Jack Canfield, coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series "Diabesity is not longer a hidden epidemic-it's visually obvious all over North America and the primary driver of ill health and out-of-control healthcare costs. Dr. Hyman once again nails the problems and provides real solutions."--Joseph Pizzorno, ND, co-author Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine "Rare, indeed, is the individual who combines scientific expertise, deep caring, and equally deep insights. Dr. Hyman is one of these, and in addition, as a leader in functional medicine, has a unique ability to see past the many adverse effects of a lifestyle at odds with health to the underlying causes both within and all around us. He puts all of these attributes to work for you in The Blood Sugar Solution, providing detailed guidance for both individuals, and the population, to avoid the perils of obesity and chronic disease-and get to health."--David L. Katz, MD, Director, Yale University Prevention Research Center "With compassion and authority, Dr. Mark Hyman addresses the real driver of overeating, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more-insulin. Insulin imbalance, the secret killer, robs millions of a rich, joyful, happy life. If you have struggled with weight and ill health, you will find a new doorway to wellness through his solid science-based, personalized solution."--Deepak Chopra "Dr. Hyman has done it again with a lucid description of the causes of the diabesity epidemic and a powerful treatment program. The Blood Sugar Solution is a must-read for anyone anywhere on the spectrum between mild insulin resistance and full-blown Type-2 diabetes--a groundbreaking, science-based, easy-to-follow prescription. Start your journey to healing now!"--Mehmet Oz, MD "Dr. Mark Hyman offers life giving hope to a world plagued by diabetes. His approach to preventing and treating this terrible killer is comprehensive, evidence-based, and practical. Learn from him and you will surely lower your blood sugar-and most likely live longer and better." "James S. Gordon, MD, founder and director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine and author of "Unstuck""" "Dr. Mark Hyman offers life giving hope to a world plagued by diabetes. His approach to preventing and treating this terrible killer is comprehensive, evidence-based, and practical. Learn from him and you will surely lower your blood sugar-and most likely live longer and better." "James S. Gordon, MD, founder and director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine and author of "Unstuck"""

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