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How to overachieve w/o Over Committing - Brian Hilliard

How to overachieve w/o Over Committing

By: Brian Hilliard

Paperback | 1 March 2024

At a Glance


RRP $21.95


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You ever feel like you've got so much going on at work that you're not even sure where to start?


"How to Overachieve w/o Over Committing" will show you how to deal with the tons of projects on your plate, without killing yourself in the process.


You'll learn how to strike the balance between being a hard worker and not letting the job take over your life. Between balancing a hectic lifestyle, while still getting a peace of mind you deserve.


"How to Overachieve w/o Over Committing" is perfect for leaders organizational professionals & business owners who are looking to get a little sanity back in their lives.


So go ahead start using any one of our tips and get the life you imagined.

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