What Your Employees Can't or Won't Tell You : A handbook for C-suite executives on how to improve employee retention. - Ashley Moyé

What Your Employees Can't or Won't Tell You

A handbook for C-suite executives on how to improve employee retention.

By: Ashley Moyé

Hardcover | 10 September 2023

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How much is your company spending on employee feedback to reduce employee turnover?

If in just one team meeting, in one department, you're paying 20 employees to sit in a conference room for one hour at $20.00/hour, that's $400.00. Don't forget to factor in the supervisor/manager's salary. Now multiply that by the number of team meetings....

How's that been working for you? Has that problem been resolved, yet?

WHAT YOUR EMPLOYEES CAN'T OR WON'T TELL YOU offers insight into the secrets that elude businesses that have a high rate of employee turnover, low employee morale and poor performance.

Based on over thirty years of ethnological research, this handbook covers how to:

  • Increase worker productivity
  • Improve quality of service
  • Reduce employee turnover
  • Strengthen employee loyalty
  • Build customer confidence and appreciation for the brand

Every fed up worker should read this handbook, then pass it along to their manager.

Every manager and executive should read this handbook, then pass it along to their CEO.

Every CEO should read this handbook, then pass it along to the board of directors and shareholders.

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