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The Five Pieces of the Life Puzzle - Jim Rohn

The Five Pieces of the Life Puzzle

By: Jim Rohn

Paperback | 1 April 2012 | Edition Number 3

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“To have more we must first become more,” is the very essence of the philosophy of personal development, success and happiness addressed by Jim Rohn in The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle.

Rohn presents a realistic and powerful formula for the attainment of success and happiness. The philosophy within these pages is a blending of many of Rohn’s publicly expressed insights combined with an abundance of new material from his private journals.

Resulting in a stimulating and inspiring creation that brings hope to those who are uncertain, encouragement to those who are discouraged, and new understanding to those who are bewildered by the complexitiies of modern society. It teaches that the journey is as important as the destination.

About the Author

Jim Rohn tours internationally, speaking and helping people worldwide to improve their lives. He has been teaching for more than 25 years and is acknowledged by his peers to be the foremost teacher on success and happiness. Other titles by Rohn include The Five Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle, The Keys to Success and The Seasons of Life.

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