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Fantasy Park : The Hunt - Bobo Barr

Fantasy Park

The Hunt

By: Bobo Barr

Paperback | 26 January 2010

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Fantasy Park Book 2: The Hunt is the second book in the Fantasy Park Trilogy. The book is entertaining and humorous to readers of all ages, and in addition contains puzzles to challenge them. The book is lavishly illustrated with charming pictures. The story continues the adventures of twins David and Devine, who are still trapped in the surreal Fantasy Park. They desperately want to find a way out of the park and leave behind all the strange events and odd, sometimes threatening, characters they constantly encounter. Early in the story, much to Devine's horror, their little dog gets transformed into a bird which constantly changes its shape. Then the twins meet the Mistress Of The Hunt, who tries to help them with the challenges they face in order to find the park's exit. As the story progresses, the twins face many difficulties, which are not helped by David's bad manners and argumentativeness. At times Devine gets overcome by her worries that they will never find the exit. However, they finally think they have succeeded at their challenges and found a way out of the park.

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