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Management - Danny Samson


By: Danny Samson, Richard L. Daft

Paperback | 1 October 2008 | Edition Number 3

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Management involves attaining goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organising, leading and controlling an organisation's resources. Danny Samson's adaptation of Richard Daft's highly successful series brings these management concepts to life through innovative pedagogy, engaging case studies and hundreds of real-world examples. Maintaining its current style and framework, this text has been refreshed with new material on hot topics such as innovation and sustainable development. Cengage Learning has brought together a team of experts to create an impressive suite of learning tools. With features such as video cases, BizFlix, iRevise and video interviews with prominent Australian managers, this text allows students to easily understand, contemplate and absorb management theory, making this new edition the best Asia Pacific management learning package on the market. The third Asia Pacific edition maintains its comprehensive theoretical base while bringing the challenges of management to life with hundreds of real-world examples. Revised to emphasise the importance of innovation and sustainable development, the text continues to connect management theory with the best practice of today's successful organizations.

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