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Wind Tamer - P. R. Morrison

Wind Tamer

By: P. R. Morrison

Paperback | 1 October 2007

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Archie Stringweed is sure that the wind talks to him. It seems to creep up behind him and blow him along the pavement; to drape itself around his shoulders and screech in his ear. And things get even stranger as his tenth birthday approaches. A strange ball of green light hovers by his bed and a giant white bird appears at his window, carrying a mysterious gold coin. What does it all mean?

When Archie’s long-lost Uncle Rufus unexpectedly returns, Archie finally learns the truth about why the wind seems to be coming for him. . . He is about to fall under a terrible family curse. Starring an eccentric cast of characters, this original tale of adventure and magic will enchant readers of all ages.

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