A Change of Season : Seasons of Pleasure Series - Anya Bast

A Change of Season

Seasons of Pleasure Series

By: Anya Bast

Paperback | 1 May 2006

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Moira suffers from psychic attacks that bring not only pain, but also visions of a man named Dain d'Ange into her mind. Dain is the cursed thirteen lord of Aeoli, a man they say killed his wife with the chaotic and dark magick he possesses.

Desperate to find a cure for her attacks, she travels to Aeoli and its cursed thirteenth lord. The harsh winter closes in on her and she soon finds herself trapped with a man who is every degree as chilly as the season. However Moira senses that Dain isn't always cold, and she vows to discover the heat that lies under his frigid exterior. It doesn't take long for her coax the man from the monster.

When Dain's brother Killian arrives, Moira finds herself seduced to both of their beds and is soon lost in a web of carnal pleasure. She also finds herself lost to Dain because as time passes she discovers she loves him.

But as the mystery of her attacks and of Dain's history unravels, keeping him will be difficult.

About the Author

Anya Bast is a multipublished erotic fantasy & paranormal romance author. Primarily, she writes happily-ever-afters with lots of steamy sex. After all, happily-ever-afters with lots of sex are the very best kind.

She enjoys the study of Celtic myth, dreaming, and shamanism and incorporates what she learns into her paranormal stories.

Anya got her start writing fantasy romance. Since writing a little hotter seemed to come naturally to her, she had no trouble making the move to erotic romance. She loves writing books that are heavy on plot, emotion and character development, and also have spicy, no-holds-barred sex scenes. Exploring the elements of dark sexual fantasy in her writing is what Anya does best.

She lives in the country with her husband. They share their lives with eight cats and one perplexed dog.

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