Pride and Prejudice and the City - Rachael Lippincott

Pride and Prejudice and the City

By: Rachael Lippincott

Paperback | 30 August 2023

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From the New York Times bestselling coauthor of Five Feet Apart and She Gets the Girl comes a fresh and inventive sapphic romantic comedy that’s What If It’s Us meets Bridgerton.

What if you found a once-in-a-lifetime love…just not in your lifetime?

Seventeen-year-old Audrey Cameron has lost her spark. After an embarrassing run-in with her ex-boyfriend, she’s told that she needs to get back out there and take risks. What she doesn't expect is to be transported to Regency England!
Lucy Sinclair has her own problems – stifled by her father and trying to avoid an unwanted marriage proposal – when Audrey lands into her life, claiming to be from two hundred years in the future, it's a welcome distraction.

While the girls try to understand what’s happening and how to send Audrey home, their sparks make a comeback in a most unexpected way - instead of falling for their suitors and the happily-ever-afters everyone expects of them, they fall for each other.

Can their love story survive impossible circumstances?

A swoony time-travelling YA romance set in the regency era about finding your spark a lesbian Jane Austen story.

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