Wicked Cruel - RICH WALLACE

Wicked Cruel


Paperback | 4 August 2015 | Edition Number 1

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Everyone's heard an urban legend before. They're stories that get passed from kid to kid, and nobody can quite remember where the story originated. Sometimes the story changes. Sometimes details are added, or dropped. But one thing's for sure- nobody can ever prove whether the story is true. These three stories-all set in the same New England town-address that very question- How much of an urban legend is rumor, and how much is fact?

In one story, sixth grader Jordan's former classmate-a target of bullying before his family moved away-has died. Did he die from injuries he got while in school? And if he's really dead, why does Jordan keep seeing him? In another, Danny, an out-of-place loner, is fixated on the local legend of horses who died in a flood.

Creepy and perfect for Halloween, these stories are sure to delight anyone looking for a good spine-tingler.
Industry Reviews
Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews, June 1, 2013: "Well-crafted eerie tales of the bonds between the dead and the living. Wicked good."

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