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Musashi's Book of Five Rings : The Definitive Interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi's Classic Book of Strategy - Miyamoto Musashi

Musashi's Book of Five Rings

The Definitive Interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi's Classic Book of Strategy

By: Miyamoto Musashi, Stephen F. Kaufman

Paperback | 15 January 2004 | Edition Number 2

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This classic interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi's famous Book of Five Rings is explicitly intended for the martial artist--as Miyamoto Musashi originally intended.

It explains the underlying truths necessary for a full understanding of Musashi's message for warriors. The result is an enthralling book on military strategy that combines the instincts of the warrior with the philosophies of Zen Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism and Taoism. It is a crucial book for every martial artist to read and understand.

Like the original, this classic book of strategy is divided into five sections. The Book of Earth lays the groundwork for anyone wishing to understand Musashi's teachings; the Book of Water explains the warrior's approach to strategy; the Book of Fire teaches fundamental fighting techniques based on the Earth and Water principles; the Book of Wind describes differences between Musashi's own martial style and the styles of other fighting schools; while the Book of No-thing describes the "way of nature" as understood through an "unthinking" existing preconception.

Famed martial artist and bestselling author Stephen Kaufman has translated this classic without the usual academic or commercial bias, driving straight into the heart of Musashi's martial teachings and interpreting them for his fellow martial artists. The result is an enthralling combination of warrior wisdom and philosophical truths that Musashi offered to other warriors who wished to master the martial way of bushido.
Industry Reviews
"Finally, someone has interpreted this classic book specifically for the martial artist as it was originally intended." -Inside Kung-Fu
"...Kaufman does an excellent job of translating the text." -Dr. Henry Smith, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of East Asian Languages & Cultures, Columbia University
"There was a time when I was reading this book before all my major competition. It focused my mind on the conceptual behind skill development and application. If you have the ability to understand concepts and apply them to your interests, this book is for you." -BJJ Canvas
"One of the most knowledgeable men I've ever spoken with. He's like a university professor with a New York edge." - Master Mark Liverio, Founder of Willow-Oak Martial Arts, FL
"Kaufman does a superb job of translating ancient Japanese to modern English while still maintaining the original mindset and teachings." -Shihan Dana Abbott
"Kaufman's interpretation is the only translation / interpretation that I have been able to use 'in the field' specifically to enhance the 'frame of mind' of the athletes I coach before the ultimate testing ground; competition." -Haydn Ellis, Sydney, Australia
"Kaufman Hanshi has gone beyond the simple idea of translating the books, and instead works as the interpreter, speaking specifically to the martial artists out there." -Martial Thoughts blog

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