For Foxes' Sake : Everything a Fox Needs to Know About Sex - Row Murray

For Foxes' Sake

Everything a Fox Needs to Know About Sex

By: Row Murray

Paperback | 3 July 2017

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Melbourne, Australia. Row Murray is the author of For Foxes' Sake, a book about love, relationships and sex for teenage girls in the digital age. She has worked in marketing and ad agencies for over 23 years, specialising in digital, making her the perfect person to talk social media, cyber safety and the digital world to teens.

Row sits on the board of VicICT for Women and is a frequent public speaker on topics like social media, digital strategy and gender diversity in STEM. Row is a Swinburne Business (Marketing) graduate and has been a guest lecturer at universities including RMIT, Deakin, VUT, Monash & Swinburne. She writes for body+soul, Mamamamia and HuffPost Australia and is a regular media commentator, having been profiled by media outlets such as 7 News, Radio 3AW, the Herald Sun, The Leader, Hinch, Joy FM, TRadioV, Mix 104.9, SYN Radio Network, Junkee, Forte, B&T and more. She will release her second book, All Foxed Up, in late 2017. Row is also the founder of The Click List, an all-female speakers' list that is combating a lack of speaker diversity at tech events.
Industry Reviews
"For Foxes Sake is the best, unfiltered, comprehensive sex-ed book out there. It's agenda is to empower a girl to have enough information to make 'good choices' for her." Jo Bainbridge, Talking Teens. "This is a really great book by an Australian author that dishes up terrific advice about sex and your body. Highly recommend." Rebecca Sparrow, Author & Mamamia Blogger

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