Why Use Visual Basic 6? | |
Introduction; What Version of Visual Basic 6 do you need? | |
What computer do you need to run Visual Basic 6? | |
Why change to version 6? Is this book for you? | |
How this book is organised; New features in version 6; Conventions | |
The Visual Basic IDE: Introduction; Running Visual Basic; The project explorer; The design form; The toolbox; Adding ActiveX controls; The properties window; The form layout window; The menu bar and the tool bar; Finding elements of the IDE; Getting Help | |
The Standard Toolbox Controls: Introduction; Adding controls to a Window; Selecting, moving and re-sizing controls | |
The Label Control; Changing the properties of a control; Common Properties; Properties of the Label control; Running an application; The TextBox control; Passwords | |
The PictureBox and Image control; The CheckBox, OptionButton and Frame controls The CommandButton control; Aligning controls | |
Handling Events: Introduction; Displaying Pictures; Creating a new project; Creating the user Interface | |
Adding a new form; Adding a new control; Naming the controls; Handling events; The form load event handler; The option button event handlers; The command button event handlers | |
A quick way of making event procedures; Saving your application; Making an executable file | |
Controlling Program Flow: Introduction; Adding comments; Spreading a statement over multiple lines | |
More than one statement to a line; The running application; The ComboBox control; Creating the application; Using the ComboBox control; Using If..Then..Else statements | |
Using the Select Case statements; The comparison operators; Looping; The While..Wend statement; The Do..Loop statement; The Do..Until statement; The For..Next statement | |
Variables and Operators: Introduction; Naming conventions; Variable types; Declaring variables; Static variables | |
Variables scope; The Boolean data type; Data types representing integers; Data types representing floating point numbers | |
The Date data type; The Object data type; The String data type; The Variant data type; The range of data types; Converting between data types; Rounding and truncating integers | |
Arithmetic operations; Arrays; Declaring arrays; Changing array dimensions; User-defined data types; The Erase statement Using ActiveX controls | |
Forms and Dialogs: Introduction; The MsgBox statement and function; The button parameter; The helpfile and context parameters | |
Using returned values | |
The InputBox function; The Common dialog control; The File Open Dialog | |
Mouse and Keyboard Events | |
Functions Procedures and Classes Using Menus | |
The Visual Data Manager: Introduction; The flight booking system; Creating a new database | |
Creating the Passenger table | |
Add data to the Passenger table; Creating the Flight table; One to many relationships; Running SQL statements | |
Recordsets; The Query Builder; The Data Form Designer; Running the application | |
Data aware controls | |
The Data Form Wizard: Introduction; Running the Data Forms Wizard; Choosing the Database | |
Choosing the format; Setting the master record set; Setting the detail record source; Connecting the data sources | |
Selecting the controls; The completed application; How flexible is the Data Form Wizard? | |
ADO and Data Bound Controls: Introduction; ActiveX Data Objects; Data Controls; ODBC providers | |
Creating a DSN; Using the ADO Data Control; Properties of the ADO data control; ADO Data control events | |
ADO Data Control Events: Introduction; The Recordset object; Methods of the Recordset Object; Events of the ADO Data control | |
Data Aware Controls | |
ActiveX Controls | |
Internet Applications | |
Creating ActiveX Controls | |
Adding Help to an Application | |
Index | |
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