Unshakeable At Work : How to stop taking things personally and start building resilience so you can thrive in a customer service environment - Good2gr8 Publishing

Unshakeable At Work

How to stop taking things personally and start building resilience so you can thrive in a customer service environment

By: Good2gr8 Publishing

eBook | 17 July 2020

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Do you work in a demanding customer service role? Are you constantly feeling worn down by grumpy or unreasonable customers or clients? If yes, this book is for you. Imagine being able to walk out the door at the end of the day without having used up all your niceness. Imagine being able to enjoy your Sunday without dreading going back to work. You can have a life outside of work and have the energy to do things you enjoy on weekends. You can have a great day at work, even if someone tries to push your buttons. You can reduce your stress levels. This book will show you how. You will learn simple, easy-to-use strategies you can apply instantly. No mumbo jumbo, no fluffy, airy-fairy stuff, just practical tips so you look forward to work, enjoy being there and go home happy. Sue Anderson has been helping people develop resilience to thrive in high-pressure work environments since 2007. Now she shares the keys to Unshakeability with you. About the Author: Sue Anderson works as a coach, trainer, speaker and author specialising in resilience and empowerment. As a Thought Leader in the areas of resilience building and individual empowerment at work, Sue helps those in customer service, especially if their role involves being abused by customers. Sue's cutting-edge methodology helps individuals move from a place of anger and frustration to empowerment and confidence. She does this by integrating and refining areas including communication, motivation, beliefs and emotion. Sue's programs empower employees, enabling ongoing positive human interaction in the workplace. With qualifications in psychology, management, quality assurance, training and Neuro-Semantics, Sue has worked successfully in the area of resilience with children and adults since 2007.
