The Spook's Bestiary : The Last Apprentice Series - Joseph Delaney

The Spook's Bestiary

The Last Apprentice Series

By: Joseph Delaney

Hardcover | 30 September 2010 | Edition Number 1

At a Glance



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A stunning illustrated guide to the denizens of the Dark written by the Spook himself.

A companion title to the phenomenally successful Spook’s Apprentice series. Discover how to bind a boggart and deal with a dead witch in this fascinating and lavishly illustrated Spook’s own “notebook”.

A must for die-hard fans of the series and an irresistible introduction to the Dark and the dangerous for new recruits.

“My name is John Gregory. What follows is my Bestiary – my personal account of the denizens of the dark I’ve encountered, together with the lessons I have learned and the mistakes I have made. I have held nothing back, and my hope is that the spook who follows me will continue to keep this record of the practical ways in which we deal with the dark.”

About the Author

Joseph Delaney is a retired English teacher living in Lancashire. He has three children and seven grandchildren and is a wonderful public speaker available for conference, library and bookshop events. His home is in the middle of Boggart territory and his village has a boggart called the Hall Knocker, which was laid to rest under the step of a house near the church. Most of the places in the Spook's books are based on real places in Lancashire. And the inspiration behind the stories often comes from local ghost stories and legends.
Industry Reviews
Christmas traditions have long included the telling of grisly tales and The Spook's Bestiary by Joseph Delaney fits the bill . . . The illustrations and design of this book are stunning. It is a brooding and eerie collection of stories for reading in one sitting or dipping into -- Jake Hope * The Bookseller *

Other Books By Joseph Delaney

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The Witch’s Warning : Aberrations - Joseph Delaney
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