Ends of Man : The Zharmae Anthology - Marten Hoyle

Ends of Man

The Zharmae Anthology

By: Marten Hoyle, Oscar J. Brauker, Daniel F. Debono, Ann McDermott (Editor)

Paperback | 1 February 2012

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Our anthology "Ends of Man" is a glimpse into many possible futures, faces of humanity previously unexplored, tastes of how the smallest of catalysts can unleash a furor of consequences.An End can be many things. It can be a very physical destruction or a collapse. It can be the beginning of something new, a transition or transformation. An End can be a goal or object toward which one strives, or it can be a result: the final measure of the aria that sums up the whole symphony in one lingering, heartbreaking note.An End can be physical, professional, psychological, ideological, or fanciful. It can shake a world or change a single life. The End reveals the hidden secret, delivers judgement, or changes the nature of the game. All of these things and more can be found within the pages of "Ends of Man."Travel to the stars or into the depths of a human heart. Solve a mystery or challenge the very nature of belief. Watch civilizations rise and fall. Ask questions about your most basic assumptions and stare down the ghosts of those whose stories were ended too soon.Pooling the creative talent and dramatic expertise of a batallion of up-and-coming authors, this first Zharmae Anthology cut its own course and set its own tone based on the submissions recieved. Facing our world, itself in a state of flux and transformation, this collection naturally coalesced around the fear and wonder of what may be yet to come.And truly, all things must come to an end.

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