Units of the Royal Australian Air Force - Despina Tramoundanis

Units of the Royal Australian Air Force

By: Despina Tramoundanis

Hardcover | 13 April 2022

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Units of The Royal Australian Air Force recounts the narrative history of currently active RAAF Squadrons, Units and Wings and includes a description of the evolution of the RAAF’s higher headquarters and Groups. The narratives of all Units commence with their first formation, often with different names and performing different functions to today, and continue through the years, to the present. The histories of the RAAF’s oldest Units commence with their formation as part of the Australian Flying Corps.

The narratives are richly laden with the significant achievements, contributions and sacrifices of individual RAAF members. The extensive index is replete with their names and with the designations of Units, past and present. The index also includes the names of numerous combat and humanitarian assistance operations and operational exercises in which the RAAF has played a role.

Units of The Royal Australian Air Force is illustrated with images depicting the diversity of Air Force people and roles in the RAAF’s Centenary year. It is a must have for all those who have served and serve in the RAAF, those with a passion for Australian military history, and the broader members of the public wishing to gain an appreciation of the Royal Australian Air Force in its Centenary year.

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