Quick-Kill & The Galactic Secret Service - K. J. Heritage

Quick-Kill & The Galactic Secret Service

By: K. J. Heritage

Paperback | 21 February 2023

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Quick-Kill is a self-made assassin and tekhead. But after a simple job blows up in her face, she finds herself running for her life. A life that is changed forever.

And so begins a fun, fast-paced, action-stuffed, gender-bending futuristic four book thrill ride!

Never, ever, let yourself never get caught... who knows what may happen?

The forgotten, seedy backwater planet of Plenty (the most unfortunately-named world there ever was), is no place for a girl to grow up parentless and alone. But self-styled, femme fatale and genius gun-for hire, Quick-Kill Jane, was no normal kid. She learned her trade early on, making a name for herself. And by the time she became an adult, everyone feared and respected that name in equal measure.

In what should've been a straightforward job-one of the many she had built her reputation upon-she finds herself in pursuit of small-time criminal and wife-beater, Rollo Barla. But things do not go to plan.

She learns that the contract on Rollo was ordered by the Cabal-a loose network of galactic criminals, and that they, and the equally shady Galactic Secret Service, were now in competition to chase her down.

Quick-Kill must use all her considerable talents, skills and guile to stay one step ahead. But events take an unexpected and extraordinary turn.

A twist that will change Quick-Kill's life forever...

Industry Reviews

"This book is bloody marvellous! It's one of the most refreshing bits of sci-fi I've read in a while. Golden Age with a modern take."


"fast-paced sci-fi read with a strong female character, lots of action, and some unusual plot twists."


"...exciting and funny and down and dirty. A must read!"


"Fast paced improbable fun fun fun!"


"Another amazing bunch of characters, an intelligent, keep-you-guessing plot and a new gorgeous world beautifully realised by K.J.Heritage"


"A fast-paced, brilliant SciFi...that brings new life to the old Western style of story."


"A well written rip-roaring tale with space ships, lasers, explosions and daring-do...what's not to like?"


"Fun, feisty and fast-moving, this is a highly enjoyable read"


"Another pacy, humorous and tek-filled adrenaline ride!"


"Brilliant, well-written and most fun book I've enjoyed for years!"


"Gun-slinging and explosions and secret missions are not my thing, but somehow I loved this one."


"If you love fantasy or sci-fi, you have to read this book now!"

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