Winning Colours : Book 3: Serrano Legacy - Elizabeth Moon

Winning Colours

Book 3: Serrano Legacy

By: Elizabeth Moon

Paperback | 10 January 2000 | Edition Number 1

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Heris Serrano thought her life was over when a treacherous superior officer forced her to resign from the Regular Space Service - the only life she had ever known, or ever wanted. But captaining a rich old lady's interstellar yacht has proved more exciting - and fulfilling - than she could ever have imagined. Having rescued some former Fleet friends and colleagues betrayed by the same officer who forced her resignation, and foiled a plot to poison the heir to the throne, Heris has at last been offered a chance for vindication and reinstatement in her beloved Fleet - and reconciliation with the family she thought had abandoned her. But it means standing alone against the military might of the Benignity, an interstellar criminal cartel more colloquially known as the Compassionate Hand. With only a few small ships and the space yacht Sweet Delight she must stop an invading fleet dead in its tracks ...
Industry Reviews
Winning Colours concludes Elizabeth Moon's "Serrano Legacy" adventure-SF trilogy, whose previous novels are Hunting Party and Sporting Chance. Captain Heris and her cranky but highly acute patron Lady Cecelia are in their tightest corner yet, visiting a planet that's due to be torched by a raiding fleet from the villainous Benignity of the Compassionate Hand. Only their lightly armed space-yacht Sweet Delight stands in the way: the official defence force is commanded by traitors. Of course resourceful Heris contrives a daring last-ditch scheme, but still seems doomed ... Another storyline features the various young, foolhardy offspring of merchant princes and clones of royal scions who repeatedly risked their necks in previous books, and here tangle with revolutionaries enraged by the concentration of galactic power in the hands of repeatedly rejuvenated oldies. En route there's a fair bit about horse-breeding, and a tongue-in-cheek justification for sound effects during space-battles in vacuum. After subjecting her characters to nail-biting peril (with one small mystery frustratingly unresolved), Moon dishes out happy endings with a touch of sentiment that goes down well--since we've come to like most of these people. And, just as in P.G. Wodehouse, the prime motive force in the galaxy turns out to be aunts. Enjoyable reading. - David Langford, AMAZON.CO.UK

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