Foundation's Fear : Second Foundation Trilogy - Gregory Benford

Foundation's Fear

By: Gregory Benford

Hardcover | 1 June 1997

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Taking up where original author Asimov left off, Benford continues the Foundation series. Hari Seldon is close to perfecting his theory of Psychohistory, and is a reluctant candidate for the position of First Minister. But there is considerable, and dangerous opposition.
Industry Reviews
Benford's previous output includes a sequel to a story written by Arthur C. Clarke (Beyond the Fall of Night, 1990). Here, he inaugurates a trilogy (subsequent authors will be Greg Bear and David Brin) that will form a quasi-sequel to the late Isaac Asimov's famous Foundation series (Forward the Foundation, 1993, etc.) about "psycho-history," the mathematical modeling of human behavior, and the fall of a far-future galactic empire. The mathematician Haft Seldon is first in line to be appointed First Minister by Emperor Cleon, even though his psychohistorical theories remain incomplete; Hari's meager political skills will be boosted by the secret efforts of the immortal robot, Daneel Olivaw, and Hari's wife, Dots Vanabili - another robot! The slippery and ruthless Betan Lamurk, however, a rival candidate for the office, will stop at nothing to oust Haft. Additional complications arise when a couple of electronically reconstituted personalities, Voltaire and Joan of Arc, escape into planet Trantor's computer network; the "tiktoks" or subintelligent machines stage a revolt; and some ancient disembodied computer-entities, blaming robots for the destruction of their machine-civilization, seek revenge. Sometimes needlessly and annoyingly meddlesome, but yet another curious blend of reinventions and retrospective criticism, intriguing and engrossing when Benford extends and embellishes Asimov's vision. (Kirkus Reviews)

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