Resonance - Celine Kiernan


By: Celine Kiernan

Paperback | 6 April 2015

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What does it mean to be alive? What is it worth to stay alive?

Ireland, 1890: two ruthless immortals prowl the theatre district in search of food for their `Angel'. Ancient, pitiless and caring for none but their own twisted family, they will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on life.

A seamstress, the young man who loves her and a penniless American magician soon find themselves imprisoned in a snow-bound country estate, the latest additions to the family's warped collection. Here, they are nothing but food, nothing but entertainment, and soon they will be nothing at all.

Many miles from their homes and fighting for survival, Tina, Joe and Harry will come to understand that far more is at stake than their lives.

`Ireland's answer to J.K. Rowling ... at the forefront of Irish fantasy writing' Sunday Independent
Industry Reviews
Kiernan's blending of historical detail and the supernatural is both adept and insightful ... It is Kiernan's well-researched detail that gives Resonance a sense of heft and quality, where this could easily have been just another work of briefly sketched historical supernaturalism ... reminded me of H.P. Lovecraft's Imprisoned with the Pharaohs -- this is a dark tale asking deep questions about the existence of God and the meaning of life and friendship. It will intrigue fans and new readers alike and is a must if you are a fan of Dracula or The Picture of Dorian Grey. With this book Kiernan has absolutely become the Queen of Irish Gothic Fiction -- LisaReadsBooks What a book! Lovely, scary historical thriller! -- Bibilojacq

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