Be My Enemy : Book 2 of the Everness Series - Ian McDonald

Be My Enemy

Book 2 of the Everness Series

By: Ian McDonald

Hardcover | 6 June 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Everett Singh has escaped from his enemies with the Infundibulum - the key to

all the parallel worlds. But his freedom has come at a price: the loss of his father

to one of the billions of parallel universes in the Panopoly.

E1 was the first Earth to create the Heisenberg Gate, the means to jump between

worlds, but it was quarantined long ago. No one goes in... and nothing comes

out. But E1 has something that Everett needs: the means to find his father.

It's lucky that he has the support of Captain Anastasia Sixsmyth, her daughter

Sen and the unique crew of the airship Everness, because Everett is about to

discover the horrifying secret of E1 and, with it, his deadliest enemy.
Industry Reviews
An intelligent and exciting series that despite its young adult moniker is an excellent read for all ages . . . The strange and bizarre alternate realities are true feats of imagination * Upcoming4.Me *
Great storytelling and first-class speculation . . . The Everness series is a fascinating panoply of what-might-bes. It's imaginative fiction at its finest * Quicksilver Reads *
His science is believable and deftly handled, his characters crackle with life, his multiverse is fascinating and the plot is driven with intrigue, emotion and conflict. The Everness books are wonderfully and beautifully written, epitomising what YA literature should be: hugely entertaining yet thoughtful and intelligent * The Book Beard *
Action-packed, fun, well-composed and very well-written. Everett is a great protagonist . . . The Everness series is a must-read (or listen), and both the print and audio editions are fantastic * Civilian Reader *
These books in the Everness series just get better and better. Action, adventure and rollicking good fun! * Bibliosanctum *
Smart, clever and abundantly original, with suspense that grabs your eyeballs, this is real science fiction for all ages . . . More! More! * Kirkus, Starred Review *
Another fun, fast read. There are times when these books just sparkle with innovation and adventure and humour . . . A blast from start to finish * *
Chock-full of action and adventure, tension and edge-of-your-seat moments. Definitely just as good as the first book and a very good follow-up * Draumr Kopa *

Following on from his brilliant Planesrunner, Ian McDonald has returned to his multiverse series to create a sequel that is full of suspense, action and stunning writing in this YA standout

* British Science Fiction Association *
Completely surpassed my every expectation and entertained me to the end * Upcoming4.Me *
A series to watch out for: it's turning into an excellent techno-thriller, it has a lot of action, cool science fiction stuff, it's a lot of fun to read and is one big unparalleled adventure! * Book Plank *
I am eager to explore much more adventures with Everett through the limitless parallel universes and so should you! * Book Plank *
There is a marvellous chemistry between Everett and Sen that feels so natural and real that that I can safely say they are currently one of my favorite young adult pairs . . . the Everness books tempt you into deeper thought and reflection. Those other books are but a snack - but these, these are the meal * Not Yet Read *
One of the best examples of quality, riveting YA science fiction I have ever read. I love the diverse characters, the amazing alternate worlds and the focus on awesome technology. I like Everett because his Punjabi heritage doesn't define him, but nor is it mentioned as a quirk to make him seem exotic * Waiting on Wednesdays *
'Everness is a series to watch out for ... an excellent techno-thriller' Book Plank. * Book Plank *
'Full of suspense, action and stunning writing' British Science Fiction Association. * British Science Fiction Association *
'This novel is a perfect example of what a YA novel ought to be. It is exciting enough to capture the readership of all ages and deep enough to satisfy the adult reader without losing the younger ones' Birmingham SF Group. * Birmingham SF Group *

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