The Sacred Power of Huna : Spirituality and Shamanism in Hawai'i - Rima A. Morrell

The Sacred Power of Huna

Spirituality and Shamanism in Hawai'i

By: Rima A. Morrell

Paperback | 1 September 2005

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When Rima Morrell first went to Hawai‘i as a young anthropology student from Cambridge University, she was surprised to find a lighter brighter world where trees talked to her in ancient temples and magic regularly happened. She found the system of ancient Hawaiian wisdom known as Huna, a system that teaches us how to focus the light of our own being to make magic. Following her Higher Self--and overcoming resistance to its rainbow guidance--she discovered we are each responsible for our own power. Through practicing Huna, we can consciously create our own reality, for we are each the navigator of our own soul canoe.

Following her years in the islands, and Ph.D. in Huna, Rima reveals new knowledge about this sacred tradition. Citing the work of earlier researchers such as Max Freedom Long, as well as native kahuna, Rima reveals knowledge about Huna that has not previously been available: the role of emotion in gaining true wisdom, the magical elements of Hawaiian language, the sophisticated system of lunar astrology, and the hula as a system of shamanism. Rima also shows how the principles of a society woven with love can shape our own lives.
Industry Reviews
“Rima has seen the islands by foot and sleeping under the stars. In return she has experienced the islands the way that few visitors ever do. Not only has she learned vital information, but she has done so with a heart and mind open to island ways. . . . as a native Hawaiian I am honored to recommend this book.”

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