Elvenborn : The Halfblood Chronicles - Andre Norton


By: Andre Norton

Paperback | 19 October 2003

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In this long-awaited new novel in The Halfblood Chronicles, fantasy greats Norton and Lackey tell the enthralling story of the reclusive elvenlord Kyrtian, who emerges as a hero in a world torn by politics and war. When his cousin, Aelmarkin, tries to prove that Kyrtian is unfit to run his estate, the plan backfires, and soon Kyrtian, who doesn't share the venal, greedy nature of his cousin, finds himself with more power than he ever wanted.
Like his father before him, Kyrtian has always treated the humans on his estate like servants, instead of enslaving them as other elvenlords do. His father's legacy also leads Kyrtian to learn ancient military skills long since lost to elvenkind through the carelessness of the elvenlords. Kyrtian's rediscovered knowledge piques the interest of the current elvenlords, and soon Kyrtian finds himself appointed the new commander of the army, to the relief of his ruling peers.
For the sons of the most powerful elvenlords, the Young Lords, have rebelled against their fathers and are waging war. But by taking advantage of both the privileges of his new command and the help of some unexpected new friends, Kyrtian finally gains the resources to embark on his own, personal quest--resuming his father's search for the Great Portal, the magical doorway through which the original elvenlords entered this world.
As war rages between some sons and fathers, Kyrtian searches desperately for his own lost father, hoping to uncover not only the mystery of his disappearance, but also the secret behind the origin of elvenkind.
Industry Reviews
"A damned fine tale, a splendid blend of the talents of two excellent storytellers." --Anne McCaffrey"Grand Master Andre Norton and new master Mercedes Lackey combine prodigious talents in The Elvenbane, a conjuration of all the ingredients of classic fantasy--sentient dragons, elegant elves, wily wizards, magical crystals, rites of passage, political intrigue, and a dash of youthful romance. Norton and Lackey fans will be spellbound by this novel!" --Jennifer Roberson"Romance blossoms, war threatens, and heroism ensues. . . . Both authors have a sweet way with characters, and there is enough magic, mystery and romantic bonding of fantastic species in improbable ways to keep loyal fans entertained." --Publishers Weekly"The women in the book are particularly strong characters, taking control of their own lives. LaShana has great leadership qualities, and Sheyrena has strength and resourcefulness, and the two of them provide two good role models for young women." --Voya A damned fine tale, a splendid blend of the talents of two excellent storytellers. Anne McCaffrey Grand Master Andre Norton and new master Mercedes Lackey combine prodigious talents in The Elvenbane, a conjuration of all the ingredients of classic fantasy--sentient dragons, elegant elves, wily wizards, magical crystals, rites of passage, political intrigue, and a dash of youthful romance. Norton and Lackey fans will be spellbound by this novel! Jennifer Roberson Romance blossoms, war threatens, and heroism ensues. . . . Both authors have a sweet way with characters, and there is enough magic, mystery and romantic bonding of fantastic species in improbable ways to keep loyal fans entertained. Publishers Weekly The women in the book are particularly strong characters, taking control of their own lives. LaShana has great leadership qualities, and Sheyrena has strength and resourcefulness, and the two of them provide two good role models for young women. Voya" A damned fine tale, a splendid blend of the talents of two excellent storytellers. "Anne McCaffrey" Grand Master Andre Norton and new master Mercedes Lackey combine prodigious talents in The Elvenbane, a conjuration of all the ingredients of classic fantasy--sentient dragons, elegant elves, wily wizards, magical crystals, rites of passage, political intrigue, and a dash of youthful romance. Norton and Lackey fans will be spellbound by this novel! "Jennifer Roberson" Romance blossoms, war threatens, and heroism ensues. . . . Both authors have a sweet way with characters, and there is enough magic, mystery and romantic bonding of fantastic species in improbable ways to keep loyal fans entertained. "Publishers Weekly" The women in the book are particularly strong characters, taking control of their own lives. LaShana has great leadership qualities, and Sheyrena has strength and resourcefulness, and the two of them provide two good role models for young women. "Voya"" "A damned fine tale, a splendid blend of the talents of two excellent storytellers." --Anne McCaffrey"Grand Master Andre Norton and new master Mercedes Lackey combine prodigious talents in The Elvenbane, a conjuration of all the ingredients of classic fantasy--sentient dragons, elegant elves, wily wizards, magical crystals, rites of passage, political intrigue, and a dash of youthful romance. Norton and Lackey fans will be spellbound by this novel!"--Jennifer Roberson"Romance blossoms, war threatens, and heroism ensues. . . . Both authors have a sweet way with characters, and there is enough magic, mystery and romantic bonding of fantastic species in improbable ways to keep loyal fans entertained."--"Publishers Weekly""The women in the book are particularly strong characters, taking control of their own lives. LaShana has great leadership qualities, and Sheyrena has strength and resourcefulness, and the two of them provide two good role models for young women."--"Voya"

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