Artemis Awakening : Artemis Awakening Series - Jane Lindskold

Artemis Awakening

By: Jane Lindskold

Paperback | 31 March 2015

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"Artemis Awakening" is the start of a new series by "New York Times" bestseller Jane Lindskold. The distant world Artemis is a pleasure planet created out of bare rock by a technologically advanced human empire that provided its richest citizens with a veritable Eden to play in. All tech was concealed and the animals (and the humans brought to live there) were bioengineered to help the guests enjoy their stay...but there was always the possibility of danger so that visitors could brag that they had "bested" the environment.

The Empire was shattered in a horrific war; centuries later humanity has lost much of the advanced technology and Artemis is a fable told to children. Until young archeologist Griffin Dane finds intriguing hints that send him on a quest to find the lost world. Stranded on Artemis after crashing his ship, he encounters the Huntress Adara and her psych-linked companion, the puma Sand Shadow. Their journey with her will lead Dane to discover the planet's secrets...and perhaps provide a key to give unimagined power back to mankind. At the publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management software (DRM) applied.

About the Author

JANE LINDSKOLD is the award-winning, bestselling author of more than twenty novels, including the incredibly popular Firekeeper series (Through Wolf’s Eyes, Wolf’s Blood), as well as more than sixty shorter works. Several of her novels have been chosen by VOYA for their Best SF, Fantasy and Horror list. Lindskold's work has been repeatedly praised for its sensitive depiction of worlds and cultures different from our own—especially those that aren't in the least human. She resides in New Mexico.

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