A Couple of April Fools : 000244572 - Gregory Maguire

A Couple of April Fools

By: Gregory Maguire, Elaine Clayton (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 24 May 2004

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It's springtime in Vermont, and strange happenings are afoot in the little town of Hamlet. The students at Joshua Fawcett Elementary School are busily planning their practical jokes for April Fool's Day, but their pranks fall flat when it is discovered that their beloved teacher, Miss Earth, has gone missing.
Has the mysterious creature that's lurking about town and stalking local farm animals made a meal of Miss Earth? Or is Mayor Grass, her esteemed fiance, responsible? Miss Earth's students know that the clock is ticking and they must find the answer-and their teacher-before it is too late.
True to form, Gregory Maguire has added an uproarious installment to the Hamlet Chronicles, a tale packed with high humor and suspense that also touches on more serious themes of adolescence and family relationships.

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