Dead Girls - Richard Calder

Dead Girls

By: Richard Calder

Paperback | 1 December 1993

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A software plague is spreading through the human race. Transmitted by men, but active only in women, it transforms its victims on a genetic level into simulacra of themselves. These dolls - or dead girls - have the intelligence of supercomputers but no trace of human emotion.
Industry Reviews
Soon after the creation of lifelike robot women is perfected by Cartier, a mysterious virus absorbs their characteristics and infects human women - turning them into "dead girls" with doll-like roboticized bodies, but having the needs and habits of vampires. Worse, the males they come in touch with become carriers of the virus. In London, Primavera Bobinski contracts the virus and begins to turn into a teenaged dead girl; her boyfriend, narrator Ignatz Zwakh, rapidly becomes addicted to her weird, painful charms. As the virus spreads, the government - now controlled by the Human Front - blockades London. To escape, Primavera and Ignatz must find the secretive Titania, a dead girl whose infection has conferred extraordinary mental powers, such as pyrokinesis and telepathy, upon her. Reaching Thailand, Primavera goes to work for porn queen Madame Kito as an assassin - until the CIA's Jack Morganstern captures Primavera and Ignatz in an attempt to extract information about Titania. Unable to resolve the problem of who's controlling whom, and for what purposes, Primavera - now damaged by nanotech robots injected by Morganstern - and Ignatz must flee into China in search of help. Wild, daring, confused, brash, pyrotechnic, but with some fascinating ideas bubbling up: an intriguing and encouraging debut. (Kirkus Reviews)

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