Gardens Of The Sun - Paul McAuley

Gardens Of The Sun

By: Paul McAuley

Paperback | 1 December 2009

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Booktopia Comments

Paul McCauley is one of the most interesting hard science fiction authors writing today. The Quiet War explored the frontiers of our first colonies in the outer solar system. The extremely harsh conditions breed discipline and ingenuity as the Outers, descendants of refugees from harsh regimes on Earth, invent various ways to sustain themselves.

Back on Earth, politically as fetid as the post climate change environment, fears are raised about the direction the Outer scientists are taking, particularly in the realms of human genetics. This leads to the Quiet War, a pre-emptive strike against the Outers to please the paranoid public and also a secret grab for the Outer's advanced technology.

Gardens of the Sun finds the free Outers on the run and trying to rebuild their lives while the three powers on Earth simultaneously hunt them and squabble amongst themselves for the spoils of war. This sequel is every bit as thought provoking and awe inspiring as its predecessor, taking the question "who decides what it means to be human" even further.

Reviewed by Richard Bilkey, Booktopia Buzz Editor

Product Description
After the Quiet War between Earth and the Outer System, the allies from Earth struggle to maintain peace, Outer refugees who fled from the moons of Jupiter and Saturn to Uranus and Neptune struggle to survive and to define themselves and on Earth, in Greater Brazil, there's growing unrest against the tyranny of the wealthy and powerful gerontocractic families who have ruled for more than a century.
Industry Reviews
"Weaving a plot that constantly keeps you guessing about what might happen next, McAuley's vision of the future is compelling and vivid. A hugely impressive near-future space opera." -- James Blackwell SFX "He subtly explores what makes us human." -- Jonathan Wright BBC FOCUS

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