The Witches of Chiswick : Gollancz S.F. - Robert Rankin

The Witches of Chiswick

By: Robert Rankin

Hardcover | 1 September 2003 | Edition Number 1

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We have all been lied to. A great and sinister conspiracy exists to keep us from uncovering the truth about our past.
Henry Ford wasn't wrong when he said, 'history is bunk'. He could still remember the days when the wireless transmission of energy had powered motorcars, mighty airships and space cruisers. And when Britannia ruled not only the waves, but all of the Earth and much of the cosmos besides. Have you ever wondered how Victorians like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells dreamed up all that fantastic futuristic fiction? Did it ever occur to you that it might have been based upon fact?
That The War of The Worlds was a true account of real events? That Captain Nemo's Nautilus even now lies rusting at the bottom of the North Sea? That there really was an invisible man?
And what about the other stuff? Did you know that Queen Victoria had a sexual relationship with Dr. Watson, partner of the real-life detective Sherlock Holmes? Or that the elephant man was a product of an E.T./human hybridisation programme? Or that Jack the Ripper was a terminator robot sent from the future? You didn't? Well, soon you will.
And you'll learn how a cabal of Victorian Witches from the Chiswick Townswomen's Guild, working with advanced Babbage super-computers, rewrote 19th century history, and how a 23rd century boy called Will Starling uncovered the truth about everything.
Industry Reviews
REVIEWS 'After five minutes of reading... you'll be too busy wetting your pants with laughter... Rankin's style is unique and very unlike his current contemporaries... if you're in the mood for a book that will deliver on the laughs (and proper belly laughs, mind you) whilst still being literate as any 'serious' fiction out there, the 'The Witches of Chiswick' is for you.'SF CROWSNEST TOUR/EVENTS Robert's tour will now be supported by Waterstones who will be producing their own POS and adverts. Roberts tour started on Saturday 2nd August with a signing at Waterstones in Chiswick. 80+ people turned up and they sold over 90 hb's. Further dates were: * Waterstones, Newcastle, Tuesday August 5th, 6.30pm, Event35 people, approx 40+ books sold* Waterstones, Leeds, Wednesday August 6th, 7.00pm, Event40 people, approx 45 books sold* Waterstones, Bradord, Thursday August 7th, 6.30pm, Event40 people, approx 50 books sold* Waterstones, Trafford Centre, Manchester, August 8th, 1.00pm, Signingslow start here, sold about 15 books* Waterstones, Deansgate, August 8th, Event, 7.00pm, Event45-50 people, books sold equalled about 55* Borders, Cheshire, August 9th, Signing, 1.00pm30-40 people turned up, a shocking turnout. We sold about 50 books in all.* Ottakar's, Milton Keynes, August 12th, 6.30pm, Eventcancelled* Waterstones, Coventry, August 13th, Signing, 1.00pm25 people turnedup and had books signed, some bought two.* Waterstones, Birmingham, August 13th, Event, 7.00pmvery good event, had about 45 people, all bought books and some reserves too.* Andromeda, Birmingham, August 14th, Signing, 12.00pmsigned lots of stock and had a few fans turn up.* Kulture Shock, Norwich, August 14th, Event, 6.30pm35-40 people, they hired a hall for us. Absolutely brilliant.* The Gamer's Guild, Redhill, August 19th, Signing, 1.00pm20 people got books signed.* Waterstones, Reading, August 19th, Event, 7.00pmgrat turn out, had about 50 people, all bought books.* Waterstones, Bristol, August 20th, Event, 7.00pmBiggest turn out, 60+ people. All bought books and some even bought two.* Ottakar's, Yeovil, August 21st, Signing, 1.00pmWhat I thought would be a slow signing turned out to be quite steady. We must have had about 35 people turn up, all of whom bought books and some bought extra.* Waterstones, Exeter, August 21st, Event, 6.30pmAround 28 people turned up here, not a good shop, but they were a nice crowd!

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