The Mirrored Heavens - David J Williams

The Mirrored Heavens

By: David J Williams

Paperback | 27 January 2009

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In the 22nd century, the first wonder of a brave new world is the Phoenix Space Elevator, designed to give mankind greater access to the frontier beyond Earth. Cooperatively built by the United States and the Eurasian Coalition, the Elevator is also a grand symbol of superpower alliance following a second cold war. And it's just been destroyed.
With suspicions rampant, armies and espionage teams are mobilized across the globe and beyond. Enter Claire Haskell and Jason Marlowe, U.S. counterintelligence agents and former lovers--though their memories may only be constructs implanted by their spymaster. Now their agenda is to trust no one. For as the crisis mounts, the lives of all involved will converge in one explosive finale--and a startling aftermath that will rewrite everything they've ever known--about their mission, their world, and themselves.
Industry Reviews
"A crackling cyberthriller. This is Tom Clancy interfacing Bruce Sterling. David Williams has hacked into the future."--Stephen Baxter, author of the Manifold series
"The Mirrored Heavens presents an action-jammed and audacious look at a terrifyingly plausible future. By comparison to Williams' future, the present mess surrounding the Iraq conflict seems almost benign. Highly recommended for politicians, not that most would wish to see where their actions could easily lead."--L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
"The Mirrored Heavens is a complex view of global politics in time of crisis. Williams understands that future wars will be fought as much on-line as off. It's also rousing adventure with breathless, non-stop action--Tom Clancy on speed. And you will NOT be able to guess the ending."--Nancy Kress, author of the Probability trilogy
"Explodes out the gate like a sonic boom and never stops. Adrenaline bleeds from Williams' fingers with every word he hammers into the keyboard. The razors of The Mirrored Heavens would eat cyberpunk's old-guard hackers and cowboys as a light snack."--Peter Watts, author of "Blindsight"
"The Mirrored Heavens presents an action-jammed and audacious look at a terrifyingly plausible future. By comparison to Williams' future, the present mess surrounding the Iraq conflict seems almost benign. Highly recommended for politicians, not that most would wish to see where their actions could easily lead."--L. E. Modesitt, Jr., bestselling author of the Saga of Recluse series, the Spellsong Cycle series, and the Corean Chronicles series
"The Mirrored Heavens is a 21st century "Neuromancer" set in a dark, dystopian future where nothing and no one can be trusted, the razors who rule cyberspace are predators and prey, and ordinary human life is cheap. It starts out at full throttle and accelerates all the way to the end." --Jack Campbell, author of "The Lost Fleet: Courageous
""Calling to mind Clint Eastwood and Dirty Harry more than Humphrey Bogart and Philip Marlowe, The Mirrored Heavens' action is wild and relentless.... In a welcome respite from noir stereotyping, Williams' female protagonist is neither killed nor kidnapped. A subject, not an object, Claire Haskell moves and shakes her dystopic world."--"Seattle Times"
""Non-stop action propels the reader forward. Like William Styron's "Sophie's Choice," characters face horrific decisions involving mass destruction of innocents and murder of close friends and allies."
"A powerful, rapid-fire sf adventure/intrigue story with echoes of cyberpunk."--"Library Journal

"From the Trade Paperback edition."

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