The Carpet People - Terry Pratchett

The Carpet People

By: Terry Pratchett

Paperback | 1 July 1993 | Edition Number 2

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The Carpet is home to different tribes: there's Fray, who sweeps a trail of destruction, and two Munrung brothers, who set out on an adventure when their village is flattened. The story will come to a terrible end if someone doesn't do something about it.
Industry Reviews
"For readers who are attracted to epic but not quite ready for the weightiness of Tolkien, this is a perfect entree; for those who have loved or will love Pratchett, it's simply a must read." Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books "Only a writer with a masterstroke of imagination could place an entire empire of goodies and baddies within the fronds of a carpet" Daily Mail "The perfect starting place for young readers ... seasoned Pratchett fans will just revel in his wit, his subversion of tropes and his sense of humanity." Kirkus "A unique piece of high fantasy ... Now very witty and politically aware in its revised version with the new ending" Vector "The story is inventive in its carefully worked-out central conceit, often very funny, and dotted with some genuinely scary bits." Publishers Weekly

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