Vengeance Born : Light Blade Series : Book 1 - Kylie Griffin

Vengeance Born

Light Blade Series : Book 1

By: Kylie Griffin

Paperback | 7 February 2012 | Edition Number 1

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There is no mercy in the demon realm. No escape. In this place of desperation and conflict, anyone who is not pure bred is virtually powerless. Until an unlikely champion is born...

Annika, half-blood daughter of the Na'Reish King, longs for more than her tormented life among her father's people. Conceived in hatred and bred as a tool of retribution, she's gifted with a special talent that can heal as well as destroy...

With the Na'Reish vastly outnumbering them, Kalan, a Light Blade warrior, knows the future of humankind depends on him alone. Incursions into human territory and raids for blood-slaves by the Na'Reish Horde have increased. As Chosen-leader, he faces the task of stopping the demons-and convincing the Council of aging Light Blade warriors that change is necessary for survival.

When Annika learns Kalan is a prisoner in her father's dungeon, her dream of escape seems within reach. She agrees to free him in exchange for his protection once they reach human territory. Now, marked for death for helping him, Annika must learn to trust Kalan as they face not only the perilous journey to the border but enemies within the Council-and discover a shocking truth that could throw the human race into civil war...

About The Author

Kylie Griffin is a writer and primary school teacher. She lives in a small rural village in outback New South Wales, Australia, and is involved in a number of volunteer emergency organizations, helping during fires, storms, search and rescue efforts, and road accidents.
Industry Reviews
"Kylie Griffin has me hooked."--Jean Johnson "A compelling and fascinating world."--Joss Ware, award-winning author of Night Resurrected

"Solid world-building...and a twisty story line." --Robin D. Owens, national bestselling author of Enchanted Ever After

"In the world of paranormal romances...this one was unique."--All About Romance

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