A Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories - Joan Aiken

A Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories

By: Joan Aiken, Kevin Hawkes (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 October 2001

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Here are eight gloriously imaginative stories for eight satisfying sessions of bedtime reading. There's a flying apple pie, a cat that's bigger than an elephant, a house that lays an egg, storybook animals that leap out of their books at night, and a wealth of other wonderful characters and ideas, all with the colorful, dreamlike quality of the very best fairy tales.

Joan Aiken's delicious prose is a joy to read aloud to very young listeners yet simple enough for the independent reader to savor on his or her own. Kevin Hawkes's illustrations - nearly 60 of them - capture with great flair and fun the magical adventures and the triumph of the good over the bad.

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