Spook's : Dark Assassin - Joseph Delaney


Dark Assassin

By: Joseph Delaney

Hardcover | 5 January 2017

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The third chilling instalment in the new Spook's legend . . .

An assassin lurks in the darkness between earth and oblivion - but who are they, and what is their mission?

The people of the County live in fear of the beasts bent on bringing the war to their home. How can they possibly hope to survive when their fearsome enemies are fortified with the power of a god?

Could the creature that moves in the darkness be the saviour the County seeks?

Praise for A New Darkness- 'A solid, suspenseful, and spooky adventure' Publishers Weekly
Praise for The Dark Army- 'Unbeatable stuff for readers who like to be terrified!' Andrea Reece, lovereading4kids

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