The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel) : Haruhi Suzumiya - Nagaru Tanigawa

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel)

By: Nagaru Tanigawa

Paperback | 17 March 2009

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Haruhi holds the fate of the universe in her hands . . . lucky for you she doesn't know it
Meet Haruhi - a cute, determined girl, starting high school in a city where nothing exciting happens and absolutely no one understands her.
Meet Kyon --- the sarcastic guy who sits behind Haruhi in homeroom and the only boy Haruhi has ever opened up to. His fate is now tied to hers.
Meet the S.O.S. Brigade - an after-school club organized by Haruhi with a mission to seek out the extraordinary. Oh, and their second mission? Keeping Haruhi happy . . . because even though she doesn't know it, Haruhi has the power to destroy the universe. Seriously.
The phenomenon that took Japan by storm - with more than 4.5 million copies sold - is now available in the first-ever English edition.
Industry Reviews
The welcome trend of translating popular Japanese series into English continues with this first of ten in Tanigawa's popular series. Completely normal high schooler Kyon narrates as his boredom is smashed by a strange and beautiful girl. Haruhi Suzumiya isn't interested in anyone other than "aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers." As "ordinary humans" don't interest her, Haruhi forms a school club, the S.O.S. Brigade, with a mission to find the extraordinary, conscripting Kyon and three other club members. But Kyon discovers that, unbeknownst to Haruhi, the S.O.S. Brigade is peopled with just the aliens, time travelers and espers it seeks. Kyon's narration is beautifully physical, effectively evoking a manga aesthetic of robot fights and giant monsters. The playfulness and visual joy of the genre, however, are accompanied by slapstick, dubious-consent sexuality. Manga and anime fans will find it familiar enough, but readers unfamiliar with the genre will be less comfortable with scenes - all played for laughs - of girls unwillingly dressed in sexy outfits and groped. (Science fiction. 14-16) (Kirkus Reviews)

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