Luke Lancelot and the Golden Shield - Giles Andreae

Luke Lancelot and the Golden Shield

By: Giles Andreae

Paperback | 3 June 2004

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When Luke's brother Arthur is given an ancient and magnificent sword for his birthday, Luke is crushed. He is the one who dreams of being a knight - it's not fair! But as promised by Merlin, Luke soon gets the chance to prove himself as a true and courageous knight. When the evil Morgana poisons Arthur and her brother Mandrake turns into a dragon and steals him away to a secret lair, Luke and sister Gwinnie chase after them on the magnificent flying horse Avalon. Together they manage to save Arthur and defeat the evil Morgana and Mandrake. Afterwards, back at Camelot, Luke is made a knight for his bravery - the bravest knight of all!

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