Moominland Midwinter : Moomins Fiction - Tove Jansson

Moominland Midwinter

By: Tove Jansson

Paperback | 26 July 1973 | Edition Number 1

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'This is snow,' Moomintroll whispered to himself.
Moomins always sleep through the winter - or they did until the year Moomintroll woke up and went exploring in the silent, snow-covered valley where the river used to scuttle along and all his friends were so busy in summer.
%%%'This is snow,' Moomintroll whispered to himself.

Moomins always sleep through the winter - or they did until the year Moomintroll woke up and went exploring in the silent, snow-covered valley where the river used to scuttle along and all his friends were so busy in summer.
Industry Reviews
"The Moomin books make for both splendid bedtime read-alouds and solitary savoring." -"Wall Street Journal""This book is a marvelous new look at a time of year when many of us are huddling inside, trying to stay warm, and a good reminder during a hot summer of what to look forward to in a few short months." -"The Green Man Review""Timeless . . . Perfect for reading aloud . . . The magical adventures of the innocent Moomin family have the whimsical, surrealistic quality of Frank Baum's Oz books." - "Chicago"" Parent""The Moomins originated in Finland, found their way to England, and have now, happily, crossed the Atlantic. One couldn't ask for more engaging citizens." -"The Christian Science Monitor""The books . . . belong on the shelf next to classics like "A Wrinkle in Time" and "The Phantom Tollbooth."" -"Entertainment

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