The Skull Talks Back : And Other Haunting Tales - Zora Neale Hurston

The Skull Talks Back : And Other Haunting Tales

By: Zora Neale Hurston, Joyce Carol Thomas, Leonard Jenkins (Illustrator)

Hardcover with Library Binding | 1 August 2004

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Do you dare
to cross paths with ...

An enchantress who can slip
in and out of her skin,
A man more evil than the devil,
A skull who talks back,
A pair of creepy feet that can
walk on their own?

Spooky, chilling, and fantastical, this collection of six scary tales will send shivers up your spine!

The stories in the skull talks back have been selected from Every Tongue Got To Confess, Zora Neale Hurston's third volume of folklore. Through Joyce Carol Thomas's carefully adapted text and Leonard Jenkins's arresting illustrations, the soulful, fanciful imaginations of ordinary folk will reach readers of all ages.

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