Present, Not Perfect Affirmation Cards : Daily Inspiration for Slowing Down, Letting Go, and Loving Who You Are - Aimee Chase

Present, Not Perfect Affirmation Cards

Daily Inspiration for Slowing Down, Letting Go, and Loving Who You Are

By: Aimee Chase

Paperback | 9 August 2022

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Women are stressed, exhausted, and anxious about whether they’re doing it all right. Now, readers can find assurance, motivation, and encouragement with daily affirmation cards from the author of Present, Not Perfect, ideal for displaying on your desk, giving to a friend, or carrying in your bag for an anytime pick-me-up.

About the Author

Aimee Chase is a writer and editor with a perfectly imperfect life. She lives in the Boston area with her husband and two spontaneous little boys who remind her to live in the moment.

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