Peg + Cat : The Big Dog Problem: A Level 2 Reader - Jennifer Oxley

Peg + Cat

The Big Dog Problem: A Level 2 Reader

By: Jennifer Oxley, Billy Aronson

Paperback | 1 September 2017

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How do Peg and Cat measure up? Mailing some important letters proves a tall order as the two friends learn about height.

Peg’s mom has given her and Cat five important letters to mail. "She says it’s because we’re growing up," says Peg. And sure enough, the height marks on the wall show that they’re getting taller! But there’s a problem: when they get to the mailbox, they find a very big dog sitting in front of it. How can they get around or behind this scary-looking canine to mail the letters? Or could it be that they’re jumping to conclusions — and the obstacle itself might help them reach a solution?

About the Author

Peg + Cat is the Emmy Award–winning animated TV series created by Jennifer Oxley and Billy Aronson and produced by The Fred Rogers Company. It was honored with a Parents’ Gold Choice Award for Television in spring 2016.

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