Ozzie Goes to School - Jocelyn Crabb

Ozzie Goes to School

By: Jocelyn Crabb, Danny Snell (Illustrator)

Paperback | 11 July 2022

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Ozzie Goes to School is a book that will resonate with and reassure many young children going to school for the first time.

Ozzie lives with his dad in a shipping container by the sea in the Top End of Australia. Ozzie isn't afraid of much. Not the cool dark of the container when the door is closed at night. Not snakes. Not even of the crocodiles that he and his dad watch out for on the beach during the day.

But Ozzie is afraid of something. He's afraid of school!

In this delightful story about a boy starting school, Ozzie faces up to his fears of being without his dad in a strange place with new people - and comes up trumps!

About the Author

Jocelyn Crabb was born and raised in British Colombia, Canada, and graduated from the University of Calgary with a Masters in Education. Since graduating Jocelyn has taught in Canada, South America, Mexico and China, Malaysia and the Middle East. In 2008 she moved to Australia where she worked as a teacher-trainer in a variety of Aboriginal Communities before returning to the classroom as a primary school teacher and a teaching principal. Jocelyn now lives permanently in the Northern Territory and is the author of several self-published travel books, a blog entitled 'Work and Travel' and the picture book Ozzie Goes to School illustrated by Danny Snell.

About the Illustrator

Danny Snell has been working as an illustrator for over 20 years and in that time has illustrated over a dozen children's picture books. Working in a variety of media and with a focus on simple compositions, he brings a gentle whimsy to his book characters and settings. Danny's books have won a number of awards over the years including the 2014 CBCA Eve Pownall Award for Jeremy. His first book as both author and illustrator was Seagull, which in 2016 won the Wilderness Society Environment Award for Children's Literature. And more recently, Little Chicken Chickabee, was a 2017 CBCA Notable. Danny's most recent book with Working Title Press is Ozzie Goes to School by Jocelyn Crabb.
He lives in Adelaide with his partner and two daughters.

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