Mating in Captivity : How to keep desire and passion alive in long-term relationships - Esther Perel

Mating in Captivity

How to keep desire and passion alive in long-term relationships

By: Esther Perel

Paperback | 1 November 2007 | Edition Number 1

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When you love someone, how does it feel? And when you desire someone, how is it different?

In MATING IN CAPTIVITY, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all - a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. In reality, it's hard to want what you already have. Our quest for secure love conflicts with our pursuit of passion. And often, the very thing that got us to into our relationships - lust - is the one thing that goes missing from them.

Determined to reconcile the erotic and the domestic, Perel explains why democracy is a passion killer in the bedroom. Arguesfor playfulness, distance, and uncertainty. And shows what it takes to bring lust home. Smart, sexy and explosively original, MATING IN CAPTIVITY is the monogamist's essential bedside read.
Industry Reviews
An elegant sociological study, complete with erudite literary and anthropological references - Daily Telegraph

Reads like a cross between the works of Jacques Lacan and French Women Don't Get Fat - The New Yorker

At precisely the same moment that you're being shocked by her, you're also acknowledging the validity of her ideas. Perel's ideas are like the chorus of a really good pop song - instantly familiar because they resonate deeply. It's all rather terrifying in its intuitiveness and its pure rightness - Observer

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