Curriculum Coverage vi
About the Atlas x
Finding Places xii
Looking down 2
What is a map? 4
Using symbols 6
Finding your way 8
Using direction 10
Where is it? 12
Using grids 14
Drawing to scale 16
Using scale 18
Types of maps 20
Making graphs 22
Using graphs 24
Check your skills 26
Australia: Natural features 28
Our land 28
Australia: Human features 30
Our peoples 30
Australia: Queensland 32
The Great Barrier Reef 32
Australia: New South Wales 34
Dubbo — a regional centre 34
Australia: Australian Capital Territory 36
Canberra 36
Australia: Victoria 38
Black Saturday 38
Australia: Tasmania 40
Saving special places 40
Australia: South Australia 42
Coober Pedy — an underground town 42
Australia: Western Australia 44
Life on a cattle station 44
Australia: Northern Territory 46
Kakadu National Park 46
Australia: Our indigenous peoples 48
Australia: Caring for Country 50
Protected areas 51
Australia: Government 52
Australia: Population 54
Australia: Weather and climate 56
Australia: Natural hazards 58
Australia: Vegetation and land use 60
Australia: Minerals and energy 62
Australia: World Heritage sites and endangered species 64
Australia: Caring for places 66
Australia: Our links with the world 68
Australia: Statistics 70
Pacific 72
New Zealand 74
Neighbours in need 75
Antarctica 76
Asia: Natural features 78
How do we save the world’s wildlife? 78
Asia: Human features 80
How do we plan for growing populations? 80
South-East Asia 82
East Asia 84
South and west Asia 86
Europe: Natural features 88
How do we provide energy for the future? 88
Europe: Human features 90
How do we care for cultural heritage? 90
North-west Europe 92
Southern Europe 94
Russia and Eurasia 96
Africa: Natural features 98
How do we live in dry environments? 98
Africa: Human features 100
How do we improve people’s lives? 100
Northern Africa 102
Southern Africa 104
North America: Natural features 106
How do we protect threatened environments? 106
North America: Human features 108
How do we respect indigenous peoples? 108
Canada 110
United States of America 112
South America: Natural features 114
How do we care for Earth’s special places? 114
South America: Human features 116
How do we preserve historical sites? 116
World: Natural features 118
World: Oceans 120
World: Climate 122
World: Vegetation 124
World: Endangered species 126
World: Countries 128
World: Culture 130
World: World Heritage 132
World: The unequal world 134
Weblinks 136
Flags of the world 138
Statistics 142
Glossary 146
Subject index 148
Index of places 150
Acknowledgements 172