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Historical Atlas : A Comprehensive History of the World - Millennium House

Historical Atlas

A Comprehensive History of the World

By: Millennium House

21 October 2008 | Edition Number 1

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The HISTORICAL ATLAS presents significant events in the history of the world to date. Ranging through recorded time, it moves effortlessly through the eons of our existence, illustrating the path of our origins, development and culture. This atlas gives an insight into the world events of each time period, allowing neighbouring cultures to be compared and the contrasts between distant cultures to be examined. With over 300 full-colour maps, each event is significantly chronicled, showing the area where events occurred and the impact these made on our lives. Accompanying the maps are carefully selected images, chosen to reveal the true nature of the period, and a timeline that shows other events occurring at the time. In addition to the annals of each episode, a unique element has been added to bring the event alive. Learn everything from the detail of Nero's torture of Christians to the methods used by Kublai Khan to select his concubines. Filled with stunning images and fresh and exciting text, each page of the HISTORICAL ATLAS is a visual and intellectual feast.

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