Forged : Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are - Bart D. Ehrman


Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are

By: Bart D. Ehrman

eBook | 22 March 2011

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Bart D. Ehrman, the New York Times bestselling author of Jesus, Interrupted and God’s Problem reveals which books in the Bible’s New Testament were not passed down by Jesus’s disciples, but were instead forged by other hands—and why this centuries-hidden scandal is far more significant than many scholars are willing to admit. A controversial work of historical reporting in the tradition of Elaine Pagels, Marcus Borg, and John Dominic Crossan, Ehrman’s Forged delivers a stunning explication of one of the most substantial—yet least discussed—problems confronting the world of biblical scholarship.
